Friday 21 November 2008


... isn't necessarily very interesting.

I've had a blog of some kind for several years, starting with a couple of livejournals, then a different blogspot one, and I just never seem to know what to write!

Life is just carrying on, for the time being. I'm not sure what my plans for 2009 are going to be, but I hope it might be something a little more fulfilling that the latter half of this year.

I can't believe how quickly 2008 has gone. At the beginning of the year I was living in London, finishing my studies. I've just had a statement through from the student loans company, and I've had £250 pounds interest added to my debt since June. It's pretty scary. I've been wondering whether University was actually worth it at all, financially or academically. Financially, it's really just an assault on savings; how will it ever get paid off? I have no idea. They sent an example of repayments - if you're earning £18,000 pa, your repayable amount is £250, of which they take 9%. But paying off £22 a month against interest of nearly £70 a month seems completely ludicrous! Academically, well, I could be doing my current job with no degree, but time will tell if I end up in a career where I can use what I learnt during my four years of racking up (currently) over 17 grand's worth of debt!

I hope that 2009 might be the year I can discover something I love to do. I hope the global economic crisis doesn't affect my chances of finding work too much.

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